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Nice Alexander photos

Nice Alexander photos

Check out these Alexander images:

Alexander the Poet Alexander
Image by Viewminder Alexander lives on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. In the vestibule of a vacant building. He used to be 'room-mates' with my friend Timothy Manley. Until Timothy got a job and was able to get off of the streets. I sat down with Alexander and talked with him on Saturday night. We sat there on upturned milk crates and watched all the people go by. I showed him some photographs that I'd taken that night. Alexander showed me a poem he was working on... He's had three of them published in the last few months. He's an interesting and intelligent guy and our conversation twisted and turned... It spanned so many topics. As I sat with Alexander I couldn't help but notice so many of the contemptuous looks that came his way. I didn't just 'see' them... I could 'feel' them. I asked him if he noticed them. He kinda danced around the question. I told him I'd like to hang out with him one day and photograph the people who give him those looks. They are the ugliest of faces. Faces on the street Chicago 6.3.11 35mm 1.8 messed with expo and contrast

Alexander the Great Alexander
Image by macropoulos Visit my website: www.macropoulos.com Walking along the sea front of Thessaloniki, you'll encounter this statue of Alexander the Great. See where this picture was taken. [?]


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